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Digital Magazines Live in Your Readers' Pockets

The click of an icon bypasses all the Internet clutter, and takes them straight to the content they crave.


​Does it make sense to start a digital magazine?

​If you're thinking about starting a digital magazine, you might be wondering whether people actually read them.

It's a valid concern, and one worth exploring before you invest your time, money, and energy into launching a new publication.

The truth is: people do read digital magazines.

In fact, digital magazines have overtaken print magazines in popularity as people turn to digital media for their news, entertainment, and information.

But why are digital magazines so popular, and what makes them an attractive option for readers and publishers alike?

Benefits for Readers:

With everyone consuming more content than ever, the convenience and portability of digital media have made it THE preferred option for readers.

No matter where they are, they're taking their favorite devices with them, and with a magazine published with MagCast, that means your magazine goes with them, too.

Benefits for Publishers:

Digital magazines are less expensive to produce and (with MagCast) can better tell stories through embedded rich media like audio, slide shows, and YouTube videos.

And, since print costs are a thing of the past with app-based magazines, getting widespread distribution and adoption is ostensibly free.

That's also what makes back issue sales not only possible but a key ongoing revenue stream for publishers.

Next, through great tools like MagCast's OTAI™ links, promoting your iOS or Android magazine app is easy and effective.

And to top it off, digital magazines can be updated more frequently than print magazines, which means they can provide readers your latest issues almost instantaneously.